ROVER Passion

Directories around automobiles

Museums - Clubs - Garages etc


In the course of time, a lot of interesting data accumulates around our automotive treasures, which we have summarized according to various aspects.

You are welcome to help us with the expansion!

Following directories are available:

Vehicle museums

Our members and friends occasionally visit vehicle museums and report about it. We will gladly include this information in our overview.
[ ⇒ Directory of Museums .... ]

Associations, clubs, websites

With many ROVER clubs and associations we keep in good contact. In addition, there is a selection of websites dealing with ROVER.
[ ⇒ Directory of Clubs .... ]


Our members recommend garages that take loving care of our automotive treasure and do their best work. Supplements are also welcome here!
[ ⇒ Directory of Garages .... ]


Spare parts for our vehicles are offered by some suppliers. Anyone who knows other sources should inform us.
[ ⇒ Directory of Suppliers .... ]


Numerous different organisations and institutions help us in dealing with our vehicles or provide necessary information. We have listed some of them.
[ ⇒ Directory of Organisations .... ]


© 2021-2024 by ROVER - Passion / Michael-Peter Börsig