Rover Serie 75

 ROVER 75 / MG ZT 

 Continuation of the '75' series 

 1999 - 2005 

The illustration shows the new front view of a '75', model year 2003.


After the introduction of the ROVER 75 series under BMW, it is initially continued unchanged or with minor changes under MG-Rover. From 2003, further versions are added, the elegant coupé unfortunately only as a prototype. Shortly after MG-Rover took over responsibility, the series was supplemented by sportier, more ambitious models under the name 'MG ZT'. Both externally and internally, emphasis is placed on a sportier appearance.

Both versions will be redesigned on the outside and inside for autumn 2004.

1998-2005 Rover 'Seventy Five'

Rover Serie 75 Mark I Rover Serie 75 Mark II
ROVER '75' 1998 - 2004ROVER '75' 2004 - 2005

More information on the series ⇒ Rover 'Seventy Five'

2001-2005 MG 'ZT'

MG ZT Mark I MG ZT Mark II
MG 'ZT' 2001 - 2004MG 'ZT' 2004 - 2005

More information on the series ⇒ MG 'ZT'

Production years ROVER 75 / MG ZT at a glance
 Period BMW | Period MG ROVER
Modell199819992000 | 20012002200320042005
Rover '75' SaloonsXXX | XXXXX
Rover '75' TourerXXX | XXXXX
Rover '75' Long Wheel Base    |   XXX
Rover '75' V8    |    XX
Rover '75' Coupé    |    X 
MG 'ZT' Saloons    | XXXXX
MG 'ZT-T' Tourer    | XXXXX
MG 'ZT' V8    |    XX
A l l   I n f o r m a t i o n s   w i t h o u t   G u a r a n t e e

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