2003 Rover Streetwise

ROVER Streetwise

A 'Crossover' as a Trendsetter

2003 - 2005

Developed from the ROVER 'Twenty Five', equipped for the hardships of the big city - this is how the 'Streetwise' sets a trend for small city SUVs.

Streetwise Logo
Streetwise radiator logo

Streetwise Schriftzug
Streetwise - Lettering

What do car manufacturers usually do when a model series doesn't really want to run anymore? They offer souped-up special versions before the successor model is brought to market. And what does the carmaker do when there is no money for a successor model? Ideally, he rebuilds the existing model so that it looks like a new series. And if he is lucky, this marketing measure works as well as in the case of the Rover 25 / Streetwise.

Advertised as an "urban on-roader", i.e. an SUV replacement for the city, the Streetwise has received media attention as a new model. While some trade journalists find fault with the car, others even consider it to be the pioneer of a new vehicle category. And both positions are certainly true. The Streetwise is a restyled Rover 25, thanks to plenty of unpainted plastic it is indeed well immune to the usual car park jostling in the city. The higher ride and roof rails really do make it look different from the Rover 25.

Whether this was intentional or just happened by chance, the Streetwise gives the MG Rover house a more modern image, especially in conjunction with the MG derivatives of the 25, 45 and 75 series. Therefore, they take the chance to put the still quite conservatively designed versions Standard, S and SE alongside the more youthful versions GSi and GLi with a more pop interior. But unfortunately it is already too late for greater success.

In Germany, the Streetwise is offered in two equipment variants - "R1" and "R2". Both are available with either the K16-1.4+ petrol or the 2.0 diesel engine. The special "PGA" model for 2005 comes exclusively with the K16-1.6 - petrol engine.

MG Rover's search for a merger partner has been unsuccessful all these years. The bosses got their sheep in the dry, the lofty plans collapsed. Without fresh money, insolvency could no longer be averted. For the Streetwise - and all other models - there was no salvation.

The revival of the Streetwise from 2008 to 2010 as a Chinese MG 3 SW  also smells more like ghouls than a new edition. A pity about an interesting model.

Videos showing the "Streetwise"
⇒ watch videos here
Model/Version3-Door Models5-Door ModelsTrim Level
1.4 16v84 PS5-SpeedX--X---------XXX
1.4 16v103 PS5-SpeedX--X------------XX
1.6 16v108 PS5-Speed------X--------XX
1.8 16v117 PSCVT---X---------X---------
2.0 TD101 PS5-SpeedX---X---------XXX
A l l   I n f o r m a t i o n   w i t h o u t   G u a r a n t e e

Sales in Europe200320042005
All Versions268881821977
A l l   I n f o r m a t i o n   w i t h o u t   G u a r a n t e e

2003 Prospekt D 2003 Prospekt D 2004 Brochure UK 2005 Brochure UK 2005 Website MG Rover UK   2008 MG 2SW Brochure China
2003 Brochure
MG Rover E002219
2003 Price List
MG Rover E002227
2004 Brochure
United Kingdom
MG Rover
2005 Brochure
United Kingdom
MG Rover
2005 Website
United Kingdom
MG Rover Group Ltd
  2008 MG 3SW Flyer
Nanjing MG Motor Commercial Co Ltd

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