Years of Consolidation

The 1930s at ROVER

1933 - 1940


The model and type adjustment programme of the two Wilks brothers shows its first effect: The flood of model variants is considerably contained.
The models up to 1936 are often referred to as "P1", although this term never officially existed. Designed according to an advanced modular system, the number of components that can be used in all cars is dramatically reduced. This significantly reduces production and storage costs. Exactly what is commonplace today and seems so new to us.

The series with the initials "P2" - also not officially designated - replaces the "P1" cars from 1937. Here, parts integration is even more advanced. The number of body shapes that can be purchased has been further reduced. Nevertheless, Rover does not supply "standard goods".

Similar to what has been said: The terms "P1" and "P2" have become commonplace, but were never in use at Rover - at least not before the Second World War. From 1939 to 1945 Rover was very involved in war production. Car production is completely suspended. However, repairs and service are still supported. In these years the project numbering also comes up at Rover. But only after "P3", the first post-war construction, project numbers are also assigned at Rover.

Some models from the "P2" series come back to life after the war. As far as possible, they are described separately, because material and material deficiencies led to some divergencies. It is not clear in all cases whether the year is the calendar year or the model year.


In addition to the 16hp Two-Litre, Rover 1930 also offers the Light Six series, which is only available for a short time.
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From 1930, the Rover series Meteor is launched on the market as a top model series. It includes different versions up to the 7-seater sedan.
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The Light 20 is only available for one year.
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The Speed Meteor or Speed Twenty experiences four model years - very successful for a sporty car of those days.
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The Scarab is an attempt to market a cheap car "for everyone" at the price of a motorcycle - the attempt fails.
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1932 Rover offers a Ultimax named car - unfortunately only a mayfly.
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From 1932 Rover launched a model series called Pilot , which made a good impression.
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1933 Rover succeeds with the Speed Pilot an exceptionally beautiful vehicle with elegant lines.
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Model Series "P1"

⇒ Read more about the overview of model series 'P1'.

The 10hp "Ten" is the smallest car in the range. At first it is only available as a saloon.
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The 10hp "Ten" Coupé was added to the saloon with a delay.
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The 12hp is available as Saloon or as Sports Saloon.
The figure shows the Sports Saloon.
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The 12hp Tourer is the sports version of the 12 hp series.
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The 14hp , is available as Saloon and as Sports Saloon.
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The 14 hp Speed Fourteen is the sports car in the 14hp series. It is also known as Hastings Coupé.
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The Streamline are offered as Saloon, Coupé and Speed Coupé.
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Only 1934 the Speed 16 is offered as a coupé.
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The Speed 20 is offered 1934 and 1935 as top model only in coupé form.
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Model Series "P2"

⇒ Read more about the overview of model series 'P2'

The 10hp Saloon is the smallest model of the P2 model group. It enjoys great popularity.
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The 10hp Coupé is a two-door addition to the Saloon. It is the smallest car in the range.
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The 12hp is available as Saloon or as Sports Saloon.
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The 14hp , is the strongest four cylinder and is available as Saloon and as Sports Saloon.
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The 16hp is the smaller six-cylinder and available as Saloon and as Sports Saloon. The external differences are only marginal.
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The top model 20hp is offered both as Saloon and as Sports Saloon.
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The Speed 20 is only offered as a Sports Saloon.
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Both the 14hp and the 20hp are built by Tickford as Drophead-Coupé and are officially offered by Rover.
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Production Years - Overview
Light SixX           
Light Twenty X          
Speed Meteor XXXX       
Scarab X          
Ultimax  X         
Pilot  XX        
Speed Pilot   X        
P1 10hp    XXX      
P1 12hp    XXX      
P1 12hp Tourer    XXX     
P1 14hp    XXX      
P1 Speed 14    XXX     
P1 Streamline    XXX     
P1 Speed 16    X       
P1 Speed 20    XX      
P2 10hp       XX XXRestarted 1945 - 48
P2 12hp       XX XXRestarted 1945 - 48
P2 14hp       XX XXRestarted 1945 - 48
P2 16hp       XX XXRestarted 1945 - 48
P2 20hp       XX XX 
P2 Speed 20       XXXX 
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