1925 Rover 9/20hp

ROVER 9/20hp 'Nippy Nine'

The necessary replacement of the 'Nine'

1924 - 1927

The ROVER 9/20hp follows in shortest time the 9hp - on renewed chassis, which was called with the predecessor still "super".


The ROVER 9hp 'Nine'
on the basis of the 8hp 'Eight' filled only one model year.


The successor is the
ROVER 10/25hp 'Ten'.

1925 Rover 9/20hp Kühler-Emblem
Das Kühler-Emblem

After a short intermezzo of the 'Nine' the ROVER 9/20hp 'Nippy Nine' follows within a year. The chassis is already known: with the 'Nine' it was used for the "Super" models.

1926 ROVER 9/20 hp Brochure 1926 ROVER 9/20 hp Catalogue 1927 ROVER 9/20 hp Book REM May 2007  
"Nippy Nine"
Brochure ROVER
9/20 Rover Car
Catalogue ROVER
The Book of the 9/20 hp ROVER Car - 1927 Rover Enthusiast Magazine
September 2007

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